In-Home Care Services: Not Just For The Elderly


Most people may think that in-home care services are only for the elderly. However, that is not the case. In-home care is also a great option for disabled people or those who have recently suffered an injury. These services do not have to be permanent; you can end them whenever you feel ready. 

What Is In-Home Care?

In-home care services allow you to remain in the comfort of your own home while receiving the care you need. In-home care offers a variety of services, including healthcare options. 

In-Home Care Service Options

Even if you do not have a need for healthcare services, there are still many options that could benefit you. 

Some services offered include:

  • Bathing assistance
  • Meal preparation
  • Grocery shopping
  • Cleaning
  • Wound care
  • Transportation
  • Medication management
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy

Why Would an Injured Person Need Home Care?

Depending on the type of injury you've sustained, you may notice you're struggling to do the things you did easily before. With the help of home care services, you could have someone coming into your home to help you clean and do the laundry so you don't fall behind on your housework and your home continues to be safe and healthy for you. 

After an injury, it can also become increasingly difficult to travel, even if it's just to a hospital or clinic. Therefore, having the option for a physical therapist or occupational therapist to come to your home is beneficial. It can sometimes be preferred to have an occupational therapist assist you in the home because there may be changes to how you need to function in your home due to your injury. 

Does Insurance Cover In-Home Care Services?

Most insurances will cover some or all of the cost of in-home care services, as long as your doctor or insurance provider has deemed them necessary. For example, if you're looking for physical therapy services, your doctor will need to send orders to your service provider and your insurance provider so they know that you medically need the services. Insurance will not pay without this. 

On the other hand, if you are looking for help with cleaning, bathing assistance, grocery shopping, etc., your insurance provider will be the one to decide whether or not the services are necessary. They will also decide the amount of services that are necessary, which is the maximum amount they will pay for. If you don't have orders from a doctor or approval from your insurance company, you can still receive the services, but you will have to pay the full price out of pocket. 


15 February 2022

Discussing Home Health Care Supplies

Welcome to my site about home health care supplies. My name is Lorraine. When my child developed a serious health condition, I spent months in the hospital by his side. The hospital staff helped him heal enough to go home, but he still needed regular routine medical care to stay healthy. The home health care department helped me set up my home for his care by delivering supplies to my doorstep. I will use this site to talk about all of the home health care supplies you may receive to care for your own loved ones. Please visit again soon.